Thursday, September 11, 2008

Collars M/s

Master is unaware of the fact that for the past few weeks I have been almost lusting after a collar and yes i mean the physical collar not the permanent emotional collar aspect. It has been a long time since I last wore Master's collar, since I last felt the leather enclose my neck and the constant reminder that I am his. I have my bracelet but its really not the same as I am so use to it I barely notice it anymore (though feel naked when its not there) something around my neck is not something that I have ever gotten use too, it reminds my all the time of what and who I am and of my Master's love and need for me.

The aniversery of the day I became his slave is coming up very soon and part of me really hopes that he will give me a permanet locked silver everyday collar from chaos creations that we have been looking at for some time, another part of me doesn't beleive that i will ever get a collar like that and that part of me makes me a sad slave. I know that people say its just a physical object and that may be so but it would be so nice to feel one around my neck and even to have people comment on how pretty it is.

If I had my way right now we would be buying a sleep collar and/or a permanent day collar as well as a varity of dress collars to go with different outfits.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

High protocol and other rules (M/s)

Over a month ago now Master set me a task to come up with a list of suggestions to be put on a formal rules list. This formal rules list is not the rules for day in day out live rather its the list of rules that Master will become active when ever Master decided that we are moving to high protocol for a period of time.

So here's my list of rules suggestions that Master may or may not decide to use.

* All normal slave rules apply in addition

* The slave must not meet her Master's eyes unless she is directed to do so.

* The slave must not touch the Master unless directed to do so.

*The slave must ask permission to use the bathroom

* The slave must ask permission to speak, if no response is recieved after the inital time she asks she may ask once more but if no response is recieved to this query then she must remain silent. If she does not remain silent the Master has the right to force her to silence by use of a gag or any other means that he deems apprpriate.

* The slave may not use any furniture without permission, if the Master is out of the house she must use the floor unless she has recieved prior permission to use furniture.

*The slave cannot automatically expect to sleep in the bed with her Owner, but must beg for this privilege. If she does not beg permission to his Owner’s satisfaction, she sleeps on the floor or other place of Master's choosing.

* The slave will eat only when fed, and may drink only water unless she asks special permission.

*The slave will serve her Master at the table, when she has seen that all of his needs are meet she will kneel on the floor to his right side and await his instructons. Slave will prepare food for herself and serve it to her Masters instructons which may range from him feeding her off his plate, too inviting her to eat with him at the table or having eat on the floor with only her hands as utenisals or eating kitty style out of a pet bowl, he may allow her to eat while he eats or choose to have her eat once he is done and set a limit on the amount of time she has to eat.

* The slave will always address her Owner in a respectful manner, by a title or in a manner that clearly displays her submission.

* The slave must spend a minimum of an hour a day in some form of bondage or restraint, which could include ankle or wrist cuffs with a chain, a buttplug, a chastity device or any other form of restraint.

* She must specifically ask for his bondage time if the rule for the day is “high protocol”.

* The slave will sleep in some form of bondage, whether on the floor or on the bed. This may range from only a collar, cuffs or being secured with chain or rope or anyother form of bedtime bondage that Master decides is appropriate. Again she is required to ask to be bound to sleep.

Some of these rules have been taken from a list of high procol rules I found on a forum while others are mine. While on that forum from the same lady who posted her high protocol rules I found some other rules that I quite liked and that I want to post here so that Master and I may discuss them, we have discussed them once in the past and he wanted to come back to them and take what would work for us out of them so once again dear Master here they are.

I need rules as they give me structure and keep me focused on the fact that I am Master's slave and property. I like the rules below as they put as much of the effort to uphold the 24/7 lifestlye on me as they do on Master and don't just assume that it is all on Master's sholders to give me orders and micro manage my day. Of course they would need to be rewritten so as to come from a male Master, female slave point of view.

A Slave's Body
A slave must be ready for her Owner’s use and discipline at any time. A slave’s cunt and her ass belong completely to his Owner, along with the rest of her body, and they must be maintained properly.

The slave’s pubic area will be kept smoothly shaved. During every shower or bath, the slave will clean himself in these areas carefully, keeping in mind that she is doing so to be ready for his Owner’s pleasure. She will also meditate on how lucky she is to be owned and how lucky she is that her Master wishes to use her holes for his pleasure.

The slave is never permitted to touch herself for her own pleasure without her Owner’s permission. A slave’s orgasm is a great privilege, and she should be aware that she is very, very lucky that her Master happens to enjoy causing them.The slave may be kept in chastity for extended periods, locked up and not permitted any orgasm.

Pleasure and Privileges
A slave’s comfort and pleasure are privileges, not rights. With the understanding that it is healthy and normal for a slave to be allowed to pursue her interests as well as attend to his normal adult responsibilities and relationships (family, job, friends, etc), she is not automatically entitled to do so any time she feels like it. She does have standing orders to take care of her own adult responsibilities and relationships. The Owner will do his best not to place his personal desires or whims above his property’s actual responsibilities, and will encourage his property to learn and grow as a healthy person by pursuing her own interests and hobbies. However, the time to pursue these interests does not belong to the slave by right, but to the Owner. Leisure time activities are a privilege, not a right. She is property, and property can have privileges taken away at any time.

If the slave has not attended to her duties and chores, but feels the real need to relax with some leisure time for mental health before getting to work, she must specifically ask for this privilege to be granted. Since there is mutual trust and caring between Owner and slave, it most likely will be.

She can also negotiate a “time out” period from the more intense D/s dynamics. “Time out” is healthy for both dominants and submissives and is always okay for either person to ask for. However it will be the exception rather than the rule.

While enjoying leisure activities, the slave should remember to be grateful for this privilege and to demonstrate his submission and gratitude.Time taken to enjoy leisure activities does not necessarily mean time outside of submission. A slave may be naked and collared, or in some other form of bondage, while watching television or surfing the Net, unless she is in a mental health “time out” period of relaxing away from the D/s relationship.

All pleasures, without exception, are granted by the Owner and not something the slave is entitled to. For instance, while a slave has to eat and drink, bread and water is perfectly healthy.

The slave will periodically spend time with little or no pleasure and privilege, which will make her more fully appreciate the pleasures and privileges she does normally have rather than simply taking it for granted that his Owner likes to make him happy.

Accepting Responsibility
It is a slave’s responsibility to ask for her training sessions and to work hard to obey the training rules. She should not always need to be told or reminded. At least once a day, she will kneel and ask to serve. This service will be anything her Owner desires from serving him food and drink or preforming housework to kneeling where he can see her and be proud of his property and everything in between. These service periods will range in length of time depending on her Owners whims but the slave must be prepared to be in serving mode for a minium of an hour.

When she is in the house for an extended period of time and nobody else is around, she will remove her clothes, kneel and ask to be collared. The alternative to doing these things every day is to ask for a “time out” for the day.

It is okay to negotiate a time out for mental health, but it is not okay to simply fail to obey the slave rules. Failing to obey when a time-out has not been negotiated is grounds for real punishment.

The slave will approach her Owner and kneel at least once a day, whether to ask to be collared or to ask if she can be of service. She will ask in an attractive way, doing her best to be pleasing. The only exception to this rule is if she asks for a “time out” instead. In general, when it is practical and possible, the slave will not wear clothes in the house and will wear his collar.

Calling Time Out
Time out periods are appropriate to ask for when life circumstances, responsibility to job or family, mental or physical health dictates. Time out periods are not appropriate to ask for in order to pursue leisure activities to excess or to escape punishment. The slave must allow conscience and honor to be his guide. The “time out” is good for one day only and needs to be re-negotiated every day. It is perfectly okay to continue negotiating time-out away from the rules and into a more relaxed vanilla dynamic for several days in a row if circumstances and mental health dictates.
During a “time out”, the slave is still expected to remember that she is property and must treat her Owner with respect. Her ultimate goal is the same as his, which is to be a genuinely good slave in a healthy and functional long term D/s relationship that makes both partners happy.

What "Property" Means
A slave has no limits and no right to say no to his Owner, not if she really
is owned property. A slave trusts her Owner absolutely to have her best interests in mind. A slave may always ask or beg, but she has no automatic rights, except the right to leave the relationship or to ask for a major re-negotiation if she feels that it is truly abusive or unhealthy for him.

A slave may always ask or beg if he feels that he needs or wants something, or if something scares him. Most likely the petition will be granted, as her Owner very much enjoys making his slave happy, and is ethically committed to keeping her healthy.

The concept of safeword is replaced by the concept of begging for mercy, which does not have to be granted. The slave trusts her Owner not to cause her true harm. A slave has no right to say “You must stop now,” but instead has to beg. In practice, the Owner has no interest in doing things to the slave that are much beyond her emotional, physical or erotically enjoyable limits. In theory, the right to do them anyway is very important to the reality of the Owner/owned relationship.

What I want atm. (M/s)

Master and I have time planned to scene tonight and I am really looking forward to it, my brain of course is running through all the evil things that he could do me and I find myself getting excited and a little nervous but trying to hold it back because if it doesn't happen I don't want to be dissapointed.

Time changes things and between now, having dinner and starting play what I want may change and right now I am being a bad slave and not thinking about what Master may want but hey my blog my right... right? I could list so many scene ideas that excite me but you know what i'm not going to, I am going to focus more of the emotional side of needs not the actaul practical tie me up, flog me, have sex with me type needs.

I want not just a scene but hours of 'play' that will allow me to bring out my inner slave and embrace her in a way I have not for some time.

I wish that I had done up that list of formal rules that Master asked me for weeks ago because if we had those all agreed upon I would want the formal rules activated the moment we have the house to ourselves. While part of me may hate them and resist them they are what makes me feel more of a slave.

I want to be given a chance or two to resist Master so that he has to put me in my place, so that I can feel both the physical and emotional control exerted over me and feel that connection that comes out of knowing that he can do what ever he wants to me and order me to do what ever he wishes.

I want to feel controlled, used, in my place but loved and secure in my trust for Master at the same time.

I want time to play or scene, to have something new happen rather then just the safe things that we have been doing for a while now. I want a scene where I don't know what to expect next, where I am kept on my toes and pushed to the limit but not over it.

I want a night (or a weekend) where I can just let go at last and be me, not the student that has to get good grades, not the daughter that is always there to lend a helping hand and advice, not the sister who worries about the choices her brother is making or the friend who is always there to listen to the latest rants of the day and give advice and support. I don't even want to be the girlfriend right now I just want the simplicity of being nothing more then a slave to the man that I love, serve and call Master.
