Sunday, December 16, 2007

Protect the property M/s

A standard rule it seems in most D/s relationships is the 'protect the property' rule. Usualy this refers to the sub/slave looking after themselves and keeping themselves out of harm and danger. This kind of rule should just be common sense and I find it sad that so many relationships have to set it out. If a slave does not look after herself then how can she serve her Master? However sometimes it does need to be set out for example with me. I have a history of self harm (As a symptom of another illness) and sometimes all I can think about it hurting myself however when there is a rule in place preventing it then it helps to give me that little bit more of a push away from the urge and makes it easier to fight it.

On the forums today I was reading about this topic and someone posted something that I liked so much I am going to repost it here.

With apologies to Issac Asimov, I have modified his Three Laws of Robotics to define my understanding of "protect the property":

A submissive may not seriously injure themselves or, through inaction, allow themselves to come to serious harm.

A submissive must obey orders given by the Dominant, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A submissive must protect the Dominant's other property as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Playing the social butterfly

This week has been a very social one for me.Wednesday - Steak with Sean and Cam followed by icecream and then going back to the boys house just to hang around and talk. Wednesday night the boys and I went to sizzeler for dinner.

Thursday - Hanging out with Cam and Devan at the boys house, eating turkish delight cheesecake (My new Fav desert) from the cheesecake shop, watching Andrometer and chatting. Eating home made tacos for dinner and chatting some more and drawing up my charecter sheet for the changling game.

Friday - Cam and I went shopping, I picked up the last of my Chrsitmas shopping (Three things for Master to open on Christmas day and I want to find him one more present while I am in Melbourne) and showed Cam my fav shop in Brisbane. Cam took me to lush and let me choose what I wanted for christmas so I got a sparkly massage bar (when this one runs out I am going to start making my own) a bath bomb for the spa in Ballarat and one of my fav soaps (Demon in the dark) Sometime before Christmas is over i need to go back in to lush and buy a big bottle of snow fairy so that I don't have to ration it out next year.

Friday night we had chicken and salad for dinner, played monopoly (the new version with keycards instead of money) Sean and Janessa came over and we chatted and had a few drinks.

Saturday - We went bowling yesterday, to be honest I didnt really enjoy it, I was having a bad day and particular people really gave me the shits. I also ended up getting a blister on my thumb which is painful. Saturday afternoon into evening everyone one was at the boys house having drinks and enjoying each others company.

Today I am at home resting (I am exhausted) and getting ready for our trip to Melbourne. We are leaving here at 9.30am for our 11.50am flight (Traffic out to the airport can be a bitch) and will be arriving in Melbourne at around 3.10pm. We will be staying at a good friends house until we got to Ballarat on Sunday for Christmas where we will be until the 27th but we still have to find somewhere to stay for the three nights from the 27th to the 30th - this is stressing me out as we don't have enough money to get another hotel and with mum no longer living in Melbourne I don't have somewhere to stay down there, I also don't want to impose on Teena after staying there before Christmas. I will figure out something even if it means we go down to Morwell so we can stay at Master's parents (though I would really prefer not to do that)

Friday, December 7, 2007

A week since my last post, yes I know I am suppose to post more often then I have been but to be honest I haven't had anything to post about and still don't really.

Life in continuing, I am starting to feel a little better about things and think that I am ready to get back on track with Master but I do have to admit I am afraid and not really sure just what I am afraid off. My brain keeps telling me that if things get going again then the domiance will just be about sex and while another side of me knows thats not true I am still afraid. I am also afraid that if I am not the slave that he wants because of what has happened that he will send me away. Despite trying so hard not too I have fallen in love with this man and don't want to be anywhere else except by his side.

A nice box of new toys arrived yesterday and part of me really wants to try them out while another part of me is terrified of it. I guess we just have to go slowely.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Right now I am in one of those moods where I want to play. I want Master to flog, spank, paddle or what ever me. I want to feel that pain at the moment so that I know that I am still feeling something. Once that is done I want to be tied up, fucked/used and then left tied up there for his use or just there for him to look at like a piece of art on the wall. Oh and I want to be hooded and blindfolded
I am laying on the couch and have been here for a while now just thinking. Again I am wondering if I am really a slave. Sure I follow orders when he gives them and I try to make sure he is happy and has what he needs but when I chat to other 24/7 slaves their lives are extremly different to mine.
Okay we have housemates and a child in the house which makes a lot of things hard to do but what bothers me is that when I talk to other slaves or read books and websites on protocols I don't like a lot of what I read. I don't like the idea that the slave does all the cooking and housework and then serves her Master once he gets home from work and waits kneeling near by when he is home in case he has anything he needs. I don't want to do all the housework and I don't want to have to be the one to cook everynight. I feel that this makes me less of a slave hell I know that when I am made to do all the cooking and cleaning I resent it.