Monday, December 29, 2008

Trying out my iPhone.

A few weeks before Christmas master got us iPhones. For me an iPhone was one of those things that was on by wishlist that I thought I would never get so I was and still am so happy to have one.

I love my iPhone more and more each day, from making calls and sending sms's to checking email while I am out, planning our wedding, making to do lists, chatting to friendson man while sitting in the park, listening to meditations at night of reading ebooks and studying for exams. This one device really has changed my world and made it so easy to do everything I have to do or want to do. I can see lots of potential for it to help me be a better slave too like lists of what master needs me to do, keeping butler book and keeping track of our calenders as well as reading the gorBooks and other liteature in private.

Thank you master.

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