Thursday, July 16, 2009

Book of Days 16th July

Outside my window- The sky is blue with only a few white fluffy clouds breaking up the beautiful blue. There is a butterfly hovering around the tree outside my study window, not as pretty as the ones i saw up north but pretty none the less.

my thoughts - sometimes you have to take things slowely, as much as you want to jump in the deep end and swim or sink sometimes it is much better for the soul to wade in slowely and adjust to the tempreture of the water as you go.

Today's Quote- "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt

i am thankful for- A wonderful Master who loves and supports me no matter what, I am thankful to be back at home after a stressful trip to see my mother in Townsville. I am thankfully that i got into all the subjects I wanted for semester two and i'm most thankful that Master and I are at last picking up the lifestyle again.

From my service training - Master is not really focusing on training at the moment, right now the focus is on getting back into the 24/7 lifestlye without becomming overwhelmed so he is slowely adding rules back into place one after the other. Perhaps when we are back to normal with all the rules in place Master will work out a training program for me, i really hope so.

From the kitchen- i haven't really cooked anything special in weeks now, this week it has just been quick and easy food such as hotdogs or baked potatoes. I am hoping to find the time on the weekend to bake a cake or something special for Master just to let him know how much i love him.

i am wearing- Its a little cool today so I am wearing black pants, a singlet top and white hoodie. On my feet are pink socks.

i am creating-
Nothing scene related, just working on a cross stitch height chart for the baby. I am hoping in the near future to make a slave pillow for the loungeroom as well as to work a little more on the household manual that i began months ago.

my adventures this week- This week has been mostly quiet getting back in to the swing of things after being away. On Tuesday I had an ultrasound and saw bubbles again. It is amazing to think that I am growing a whole new life inside of me and fantastic to see that its healthy and oh so very active.

Becoming well read
- Reading the host by Stepahnie Myer. I want to find something D/s related to read and review in the near future but not sure if my bank balance would agree, I also don't know where to buy such books in Brisbane and the exchange rate is not good enough to order from Amazon at the moment,

i manifest and co-create
- This week i focus on myself, on my thoughts and feelings and examine why i react to particular orders in particular ways.

Todays Melody
- A little love - Blutengel

One of my favorite things- The feel of Master's hand as he rubs stretch mark balm into my belly every night before tucking me in to bed and giving me a big hug and kiss.

further plans for this week- Tomorrow Master and I have an appointment with the baby doctor at the hospital, after that i am heading into the city to put Master's christmas present on layby. This weekend we have not made any plans but I hope that we can use the weekend to dive deeper in to the deep end and really get back into our 24/7 lifestyle.

If you have enjoyed going through my day with me and would like to see what the Service Book of Days is all about, go to Service Savoire Faire by Master Obsidian's slave namaste.

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