Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wanting/needing play (M/s)

I wanted/needed some intimate time/play time/together time with Master tonight and I am now almost 100% sure that I am not going to get it. It is late here the clock has ticked over from pm to am again, Master is upstairs playing a game on his xbox and I am downstairs doing nothing really just passing the time. I mentioned to him how I was feeling earlier tonight so its not like he doesn't know. Its not just his fault though one of our housemates is still awake which makes doing anything hard.

All night tonight I have wanted Master to play with me, wanted him to tie me up, use me and do what ever to me. Wanted to feel the level of intimacy that only ever really comes out in a scene. Unfortuantly I am tired now and know that when I am tired scenes don't tend to go so well. Its been a while since Master and I had a good scene. Most of the scenes we have done in the last two months have gone wrong in one way or another and have ended up with either Master, myself or both of us frustrated and upset.

Tomorrow afternoon the house should be empty apart from us and apart from a Doctors appointment in the morning we have no plans for tomorrow so hopefully Master will feel like using that free alone time to do something with me.

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