Saturday, July 19, 2008

All Master's again

With exams now over and done for the semster I find myself with time to post once again to this blog but not only do I have the time to post and now have more time for life and most of all am a slave to nothing and nobody else apart from Master. No more being a slave to my studies I belong all to Master. Being a slave to my studies is something that has been making me really sad and making me feel once again as though I am no slave at all. It has been weeks since Master and I last played or really did anything apart from having sex (Which is fun but theres much more to us then that) and it has been weeks since Master has kept me strictly to his rules although most of the time I have been fairly good at following them anyway.

I have a feeling though that I may find it a little bit of a challenge to get back to where I was a little while ago that night when it hit me that I belong to Master and that his will is my will, that night that I was in tears and terrified and now a little bit on thats exactly how I want to feel, I want to feel like his slave, want to know that i belong to him and that he will use me as a slave should be used.

Our life is changing once again. Master has a new job that he begins on Monday, I am on holidays for the next two weeks before begining the new semester at uni and I even have a new laptop that my wonderful Master bought for me, its pink and so pretty and just perfect for what i need a laptop to do, our housemate (who is also my ex) went out and got himself a new laptop too, he keeps trying to compare the new with me and make me feel like his is better but it doesn't matter I like my pink laptop and its what I need so he doesn't matter. Mum was up yesterday and we spend the day with her which was nice. I think the only other real piece of news I have is sad news. My little kitty Charlotte was hit by a car and died a week ago. I am missing her very much and still feel sad when i think about her but I am dealing with it.


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