Sunday, December 16, 2007

Protect the property M/s

A standard rule it seems in most D/s relationships is the 'protect the property' rule. Usualy this refers to the sub/slave looking after themselves and keeping themselves out of harm and danger. This kind of rule should just be common sense and I find it sad that so many relationships have to set it out. If a slave does not look after herself then how can she serve her Master? However sometimes it does need to be set out for example with me. I have a history of self harm (As a symptom of another illness) and sometimes all I can think about it hurting myself however when there is a rule in place preventing it then it helps to give me that little bit more of a push away from the urge and makes it easier to fight it.

On the forums today I was reading about this topic and someone posted something that I liked so much I am going to repost it here.

With apologies to Issac Asimov, I have modified his Three Laws of Robotics to define my understanding of "protect the property":

A submissive may not seriously injure themselves or, through inaction, allow themselves to come to serious harm.

A submissive must obey orders given by the Dominant, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A submissive must protect the Dominant's other property as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

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