Thursday, April 10, 2008

Panic button hit (M/s)

Tonight Master played with me and for the first time since we have been together my panic button was pushed. I feel stupid, embarressed and ashamed of myself. I didn't safe work, i don't know why I just didn't so now Master has set me a task to give him 200 words on the importance of safe words by Monday. Its only 200 words so I should be able to do it easily. It was a little bit Master's fault and a little bit mine. I didn't use my safe word but he forgot what one of my limits was and crossed it. I can't really blame him for crossing it after all its something that a lot of people enjoy and do for fun. Tickling. Its something that I can't stand and is a hard limit because of the way it was used on me in the past. In my past when ever someone tickled me it meant that they were next going to abuse me. Its kind of funny in hindsite to think that the button was pushed after Master had already had his way with me. So we both learnt a lesson tonight I think. I saw just how important safe words are and Master saw how something so small and innocent can trigger me. Thankfully it didn't cause a flashback and I am mostly okay right now. A little bit off and shaky and I can't sleep because I am thinking about some of the things from my past but at least I am not there reliving them like I usualy do.

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