Saturday, April 5, 2008


I am so stressed at the moment. I have two exams and an assignment due next week and an exam and an assignment due the following week. On top of uni work we have less then two weeks before we have to be out of this house and so are running around like crazy to look at places and get applications in. We were only given just over two weeks notices of having to move so nobody can yell at me for leaving it until the last minute.

When it comes to study stuff yes a lot of it has been left to the last moment but only because I have been so sick for the last month. (miagrianes, CFS and toothache) Being sick has caused me to miss far too many classes and now I sit her madly trying to get on top of everything that I have missed so that I can pass my midsemester exams while stressing about having a roof over my head and worring about my relationships with people in my life such as Master, My mother, my ex and his new girlfriend.

Just for a little while I want all the stress to go away. I know that Master doing a hard, heavy scene with me would give me that stress release that I need but I worry that taking the time away from study at the moment will just end up stressing me out even more. Catch 22 situation.


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