Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me (M/s V)

Its my birthday today, I'm 26 years old.

Master gave me a lovely necklace and earring set and we met up with a friend for coffee this morning, this evening we are going out to dinner and the movies (Goldclass) with my friends which I have been looking forward too for the last week. Theres just one problem though while I have been looking forward too it for a week, what I really would have liked for my birthday was for Master and I to spend the day together and doing a nice long scene but unless we manage to get home early that has no chance of happening. If not a scene then something romanctic such as him binding my hands and blindfolding me then giving me a bath, time where I could just focus on his hands on my naked skin and feeling his love and control through the touch of his hands. I am craving physical touch at the moment, have been for a week or so now. Master and I have been touching each other but still I feel almost as though there has been no touch between us and its making me sad and has left me feeling rather alone. We haven't played in some time either (about two weeks) and thats making me sad and having me wonder whats going on, If i have done something wrong or if his just not that in to me anymore.

I know we are Master and slave, I follow the rules asking before I sit on the furniture, eat food or drink anything but apart from those few things it really does feel vanilla. I don't really serve him as a slave should serve her Master and he does more housework then I do most weeks so in that area I'm not really being a slave either. If I am not serving him and not keeping the house clean then in what way am I his slave and not just his vanilla girlfriend? I don't expect 24/7 to be all whips and chains and being left in a cage when he has no use for me but I guess I also didn't expect it feel this vanilla. Perhaps I am so use to the rules and knowing that he is charge that instead of feeling flavoured its so normal to our life that its vanilla if that is so then how can we make it chocolate again?

A tiny little part of me was hoping that Master would choose today to propose to me, though the rational part of me knew that it wouldn't happen today that little hopeful part kept putting the thought it the back of my head and I am feeling a little bit dissapointed and then I feel guilty for feeling dissapointed.

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