Wednesday, June 25, 2008

An update (M/s)

Its been a while since I last posted here so here I am making amends for that. One of Master's orginal rules was that I was to post in my blog on a regular frequency, somehow I don't think I have been doing that and after thinking it over I have come to the conclusion that if I want things to be 24/7 with Master, if I don't want things to keep going almost vanilla on us then I have to keep up with the rules that Master has set even if he doesn't remember what those rules are himself and even if he doesn't notice me breaking them I still have to do my best to uphold them. Yes sometimes I am just too sick to uphold some of the rules but as long as I give it my best effort then I am being true to myself and not living a lie.

So whats going on in our lives? Both Master and I have had our birthdays, we are now both 26 years old which I know is counted as still being babies by a lot of people within the scene but in our personal lives we are well and truly adults. To that end we are making descions about our lives together and where we want to go. The two biggest things that have come out of these conversations is deciding to get married...

Yes we are getting married and yes it is something we decided together there was no big romantic proposal and as yet there is no ring, I know that when he has the ring there will be a proposal but one was not needed to decide that we want to be married in the vanilla world and at least once we are married the vanilla world will somewhat see the strength of our relationship. In the flavored world that is our lifestyle we are still considering a formal collaring ceremony at some point in the future, really making me his slave and property and to me that formal collaring is more important then the vanilla wedding. Both are exciting though.

The other big thing is deciding that we want to try and have a baby next year, to that end I am on a diet, trying to lose weight so that I can conceive easier and have a much healthier pregnancy then I would being 50 kilos overweight. My goal weight is 75kg my current weight is 117kg so I have a long way to go but I know that with Masters help, a desire to have a baby and a wedding to lose weight for that I can do it.

Master and I have not played much in a while, I haven't been well and on days when I am okay he has been tired after work. Sometimes the real world really does get in the way of having our fun. It doesn't matter though I don't need play to know that Master loves me and wants me as his slave. Hopefully we can pull it together enough to scene sometime soon.

Hellfire is on this weekend, I don't think that Master and I are going as we can't really afford to and I don't have anything to wear. (The theme is drs and nurses this month so our friend Jess will really have something in theme to wear) though I am becoming more active within the Brisbane community. I started an under 35s list which has a fair few people on it and I am now finding myself in a position where I am about to be handed the reigns of the subbie union meaning as well as organizing munches and events for the under 35s I will also have subbie union things to organize such as classes and demonstration as well as munches and modding the groups site. I am actually quite happy to be getting more involved within the Brisbane scene it opens the doorway to new friendships and opportunity's and puts me in a position where I am known within the scene which is something I have envied in some of my Melbourne and Sydney scene related friends. It also makes me look good, makes Master proud of me and brings his name in to good standing within the community. After all if I can juggle a household, uni, two active groups and my other hobby's without cracking it says good things for my character and Master's training of me.

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