Monday, November 5, 2007

Collars (M/s)

On all the lifestyle related forums one of the topics most discussed is that of the collar and its meaning. Views on a collar range from it just being a useful restraint device to it being a symbol of the Master/slave relationship and the sub/slave would feel lost without it.

To me a collar is a symbol of ownership. I wear it proudly because Master has given it to me and he owns me and I am proud to be his slave. On Saturday night Master gave me something that is my collar, is a symbol of his ownership and love for me. It is a beautiful silver Id style bracelet with a little pink stone. It fits my wrist perfectly and looks very shiney and pretty sitting there. I am to wear this 24/7 unless Master has given me permission to remove it and I am happy to do so. I am a little upset and annoyed with myself at the moment though as the pretty silver has a few scratches on it already. The illogical side of my brain is screaming at me that I am a bad slave to have ruined it already but the more rational side of my brain is reminding me that any piece of jewellery that I wear 24/7 is going to get a little scratched. I woke up this morning and almost burst in to tears when i saw a new scratch on there, I know how it got there (Must have banged it against the wall in my sleep) but that doesn't make me feel any better.

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