Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Its been a while (M/s V)

Despite having rules on how often I must post to this blog it has been over two weeks since I last did, closer to three I think. Master knows the reasons for this and so I am not in trouble for it but I am back now and will do my best to follow the rule and make regular posts. The reason for my lack of posts has been due to three things. 1. I had a relapse of chronic fatique syndrome which made doing anything hard. 2. I had exams to study for and was stressed out by them and 3. I was assulted. My energy is still not the best and I am still dealing with the aftermath of being assulted but I am begining to feel alright again.

Things with Master (it still feels great to type and see that) are going well. I have no doubt that he loves me and wants me as he lets me know all the time and while we have not been able to play much or do much (due to the reasons above) of late things are not exactly vanilla (though sometimes it feels like it is) there are still rules that I must follow and I still know that ultimatly Master is in charge.

Speaking of rules some things that I had trouble with at first are now so common place that if he changed those rules and took them away I think that I would have trouble not following them. The rules about eating, drinking and using the bathroom. I find it hard when we are around other people to remember not to ask and I have learnt ways of asking without anyone else knowing though I do wonder if Master even realises what I am doing. For example when someone else is in the room that is not scene friendly and I need a drink i will say something along the lines of 'I need a drink' and then wait for a response from him before I get one. The same as going to the bathroom I will comment that I need to go the bathroom and wait for a response alone the lines of 'well go then' little tiny ways of following the rules even among vanilla company. If we are eating out then the rule is that I must wait for him to start before I can start. I like these rules now they remind me of my place and what I am even when everything else seems to be vanilla.

Master and I are going to Melbourne for chirstmas. I don't know how he feels but I know that I am nervous about introducing him to my family and friends. I know in my heart that everything will be fine but I am still nervous. The whole Melbourne thing is stressing me out though and I know it is going to cost a lot. Airfares there and back will be a minium of $600 then there is the accomandation which is $600 (and needs a deposit on it asap) I need a new bag/suitcase as well and unfortuantly the one I really like is $150 (and no its not just because it is pink) then there is food and entertainment money and things really add up to a lot for just a trip to Melbourne. I feel guilty having master spend so much on me. He has bought me a heap of things that are not cheap and this weekend we are going to a BrisDSM party on the gold coast which will cost even more.

On the topic of Melbourne Master and I are discussing moving back down there, I don't know if he really likes the idea or not but at the moment I do. Its not that it will be the answer to all my problems and there will be some people that I will miss a lot if we go but there are so many reasons as to why Melbourne would be a good move. Only time will tell though we will wait and see how our holiday goes.

Thats all for this update.

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