Friday, November 2, 2007

Wanting to get back to feeling like a slave. (M/s)

I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Master to get home from work and just wishing that he was here now so that I could feel his arms around me and hear him tell me that he loves me. I guess I really am a hopeless romantic. Master took me out last night and I spent ages getting ready, making myself look pretty for him before going out. We went to the movies and out for dinner and despite my family causing us problems managed to have a good evening out.

Today is a week since I became more then just a student and him trainer. Its a week since I became his girl. The week has been up and down, it has had its good point and bad points but any relationship is like that. We are not playing often at the moment due to our living situation - its hard to play much when we have to wait for everyone else in the house to go to bed by the time they do its after midnight and I am usualy too tired too do much. I know that thinks will get better when we get our own place but I am worried that things are just going to turn vanilla and stay that way just like it did with my ex.

I have been feeling a little off since Tuesday and feel like I am just not a slave and not in the right mindspace. I hate feeling this way, i love the way i feel when my mind is working right and want to get back to that space. Want Master to put me back in to that space but Master is too tired and stressed with work so I am not mentioning it to him, I don't want to stress him out anymore then he already is so I will just wait until he is ready.


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