I attended a play party in August and there is one conversation from that evening that has been playing in my mind for a while now. We got into a discussion about so many subs/slaves calling themselves kitty and if a cat was really a submissive creature. In general cats are not submissive they are fiercly indepenant creatures that will do what they want to do when they want to do it. To me that is not submissive and I could not understand why subs/slaves kept indentifying with cats the best answer I could come up with it that whole pretty sex kitten thing.
Teacher has got me thinking slightly different now after deciding that he wanted to do some kitty play with me. At first I made comments to him such as I thought you didn't like cats or kittys are not submissive and then we started doing some research. Yes research proved my point but we also came up with some interesting facts and found some interesting breeds of cats one that is descriped as the sprit of a dog in a cats body but still having the playful, graceful dignity of a kitty. When we found this breed something inside of my jumped with joy, I had been wanting to be a kitty for a long long time but could not let myself because of the non submissive kitty thing but now we have found a breed and the image what it looks like is so similar to what i see when i close my eyes and imainge myself as a cat that it makes me smile. Teacher has shown me that kittys can be submissive, can be trained and can be a lot of fun and now more then ever I am willing to submit to it and be a kitty when he wants me too, if that is how he wants me to amuse him then who am I to say no?
Yesterday he made me his kitty and played with me. He dangled a ball in front of me and I batted it around, when he dropped it I picked it up in my mouth and took it back to the bed, when he petted me I nudged him for more, when I was bored and wanted attention or dropped the ball and wanted him to pick it up I mewed. I playfully scratched at him and a few times was a naughty kitty and bit him. When kitty was naughty she was made to lie down on her bed and ignored until she was a good kitty again. I let go of the real world and for a while I was his kitty and it was fun and felt so good to be pleasing him and amusing him. I want to do it again and wonder how long it will be until Teacher decides that I am his kitten again.
While it was a fun I can also see how humilating it could be. How will I feel once he gets me a tail and ears. How will I feel if he is able to find a butt plug tail and forces me to wear it? I already know that being forced to wear a butt plug humilates me how much more would it humilate me if it had a tail attached? How will I feel when he makes me eat out of a pet bowl? (not that he needs me to be in pet space for that) What if he decides to make me use a litter tray? These things would all be humilating but on the flip side of the coin I look at pictures of kitty girls and can't help but think how pretty they are, how graceful they are, how cute the tail and ears look and want to experience what it is to really be in pet space.
Oh yeah as a last note when I close my eyes I can see myself as the breed and colour kitty that Teacher wants to be, what it amusing is that the colour is the colour of kitty I have always seen myself as and the markings are the same as I have always pictured. He has decided that his kitties breed is an Ocicat - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocicat and her name is Rane (which means My joy)

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