Sunday, October 28, 2007

Requiem game and Money (V)

Great Vamp game last night... Yes I actually enjoyed myself at vamp and was involved in the game all night so much that time past really quickly and I was surprised when 15 min warning was given. A scene that had been months coming happened at last and it was. Having myself in a position where I was trying to be the 'human' shield for someone that every other charecter in the room wanted dead was actaully fun and even better was surving it and my little charecter being followed to her clearing without realising it by an elder gangral OD who didn't trust her to be alone when the person she is blood bound to has been captured and is about to be killed. Said elder has now taken her to his haven and is 'looking' after her. I can see a lot of fun and interesting (as well as deadly) roleplaying coming from this in the near future. Oh and I suffered for my roleplaying I now have a graze on my knee, a sore elbow and my nipples are hurting again but it was so worth it.

Money is stressful as always. I got paid on Friday and now after paying rent and the storage company I have $40 left to last me almost two weeks. Oh well guess I will just be spending the next two weeks at home and not doing anything, dealing with what ever food that housemates want to eat and not being able to go to the shop to buy fruit and fresh vegetables to substitute my diet and make it a little bit healthier. Also stressed because the gym fee will come out on the 5th and I won't have the money to pay it and I just opened my mail that Nathan had with him at game last night to find a $40 bill from a magazine subsciption I have to pay as well. Right now I just want to hide away from all this money stress and never think about it again.

Planning on going to Melbourne for Christmas. Not that I can afford too. At this point in time I have no idea how I am even going to afford christmas presents for anyone and having money to spend while I am in Melbourne is something that just wont happen.

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