Friday, March 21, 2008


I'm annoyed and I feel bad about being annoyed. I have been wanting Master to use with me, to play with me since I got up but it hasn't happened instead he has been playing WoW and watching stargate since he got up. Getting annoyed about this makes me feel like a bad slave after all Master plays with me when HE wants too not when I want him too and I don't want to ask him to do anything with me because to me that feels as though I am topping from the bottom. I looked forward to this weekend because it meant time that Master and I could spend together. When I got up and discovered one housemate out and another heading out I was happy because it meant that the only person who would be home today was the one person that we don't have to worry about making noise around. Now the day is mostly over and nothing has happened. Master says that he is not feeling too well and I understand that and don't want to push him but I am still allowed to be dissapointed aren't I?

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